I always thought of photography as a notty thing to do... that was one of my favorite things about it, and when I first did it, I felt very perverse.... :)
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Friday, March 11, 2011
aku rase nk tulis
now aku rase cm nk tulis n nk bebel....but aku xtaw nk bebel ape..cume dlm hati aku nih aku nk ckp n bebel pasal sikap manusia nih....kekadang aku sendiri xtaw nk agak n bajet sikap manusia nih...same jugak sikap aku....aku xkate yg aku nih baik..but aku nk bebel2 pasal sikap manusia kat muka bumi ni termasuklah tempiasnyer sikap aku sendiri.....sbb aku tgk ramai makhluk kat bumi nih sikap die agak la kn mementingkan diri sendiri...dah la pentingkan diri sendiri...pastuh bermuka muka pulak....ade pulak yang mang muke xtaw malu...berkawan sbb nk amek kesempatan jek....aku pom xpaham jenis manusia yang mcm tuh....kalo xde kwn mula la wat baik ngn kita...but kalo da jumpe geng die...mang wat xkenal jek..pastuh kn bermuka2..tuh yang aku xsuke tuh..manusia bermuka2 nih..tahu la ko tuh ade muke...but xpayah la nk pakai topeng bagai nk jadikan muke ko tu banyak.....nampak jek baik..but belakang pehhh....aku nih pantang kalo org ckp aku kat belakang..sape jek kn suke kne kutuk belakang....aku pom xsuke....tp ade jek yang xpuas hati...xpe2...ko hiduplah ngn care ko skrang nih..n kite tgk sampai tahap mane game ko nih..last2 org akan tahu gak perangai sebenar ko....n org len sendiri akan dapat judge ko cmne..xpayah la nk suh aku bgtaw org len tuh...susah kalo hidup pentingkan diri sendiri jek....mang susah...pastu pape hal jek nk menang...even ko punye fakta tuh salah pom ko nk menang...berlagak tol....xtaw nk hargai org yang pernah buat baik ngn ko mang cmni...last2 ko tahu la nsib ko nnt,........
kembali lagi...
lalala...hye there!! again here...dah lame rasenyer aku xupdate blog nih...bz ngan life n emosi aku agak terganggu a few days ago..nk pulihkan amatlah susah....sampai la hari nih aku cube untuk calm kan diri aku sendiri...so hari nih aku dgr sume duk wisau pasal TSUNAMI melanda JEPUN....nk2 pulak aku dgr dr sorang member aku nyer blog pasal bencana alam minggu depan..wisau jugak aku....yelaa kn..takot aa gak kn...da la jauh ngn family..pastuh xde sesape pom dekat cini...n i hope everythins fine will be oke....next week aku ade join progam desa iaitu mays....tgh plak final projek yang melambung...aku hope dapat bg komitmen dlm program tersebut..yelaaa.....at d same time leyh gak release tension kan....huhuhu...arinih ujan renyai2....pastuh dapat plak berita sal bencana alam...wisau sungguh.....yelaaa kn..kite pom xtaw ape akn epen esok..so mang agak la takot kan..sbb kite xtaw ape yg ditentukan untuk kita pada hari ni dan esok..so banyak2 lah kite bertawakal dan berdoa....moga2 kita sume selamat.....AMINNNN...........
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
LEESA dan pakcik2nyer....
arinih 2nd day leesa with me...n guess wat???ptg td bawak leesa kuar g taman...mulenyer takot nk kuarkan leesa....nnt takot die lari2 xsempat kejar....tp since die oke dalam pelukan...terus jek bawak leesa keluar...auntie dayah jd peneman...lepaskan die kat taman...terus die lari2...mak aihhh..bukan main laju lg kn lari...sampai penat kejar die....n mase da amek die balik n hug die...xnk da lepaskan surrender..nk kejar xsempat..nnt die jatuh ke bawah lg naya.....hahahaa...auntie dayah die belikan die sumthin..but die malu2 lak nk makan depan org..btw ade sorang pakcik leesa nih..ngah maen badminton siap stop g sbb nk tgk leesa....n guess wat??die kate leesa sgt comel...sure...leesa mang comel but quite notty..bile dilepaskan mang susah nk tangkap....pastuh sume berebut2 nk hug leesa...die pom ape lagi..mulalah kn malu2..pastuh kje die nk duk dlm huggin jek...ayoooo.....pastuh aku dapat chance maen badminton pasal kasi leesa kat dieorang.hahhaha leesa yang mulanya wangi,....pastuh bile da kne peluk cium ngn pakcik2 die yang penuh berpeluh n busuk +masham tuh..so leesa pom bertukar jd busuk....hahaha....ade sorang pakcik die nih...hug sampai basah leesa...berpeluh kot....sbb dieorg kn peluh so peluk leesa kuat2...sampai kecut die..hhahaha..anyway so glad sume suke leesa...n leesa pom bek jek.xde nakal2...bagussnyerr...ilove u leesa....then after balik...tukarkan tmpat die...aku mndikan leesa..sbb busuk sgt die..but xde la rendam die..just lap2 jek bdn die..tuh pom die lari2...sejuk kot....kesian die...pas mandi...i feed her..then die tdoq...wow...mkn jek terus tdo..but at this time die da bgn..bgn jek mkn...pastuh tdo alek..same cm aku..hahaha..xlame nnt leesa pom obess laaa...kekkeke...anyway leesa sgt comel..n ilove her...muahssss.....die da wangi taw...td lapkan die siap pkai shower shokubutsu lagi...ahhahhaa....arinih mummy angkat die dtg jenguk sekejap jek...yelahhh bz dating katekan....ahhaa...leesa gg xkuat lagi,.so bile nk mkn keras2 kne potong2....baru die geget..law x..die bau pom x....kesian die....xpe2...nnt mkn ckit2 oke....hahhaa....mkn ckit2 pom da setengah abes....xlame next week gumok laa dak nih....esok kite jalan lagi oke.... :)
OUH MAYA!!!finally hampir jugak leyh siapkan maya nih even cm ape jek xreti..skang tgh pulun maya kat ADIWARNA..nih sume cz esok kne submit..law x mang x la kan...banyak gak aku kne belajar g pasal MAYA nih..sbb banyak g aku xtaw..even sgt n mmg xSUKE ngn maya nih but i have to accept ne belajar mende nih..sgt rumit bg aku..maybe bile sume org taw yg aku ckp SUSAH..mesti ade yg gelak kn..sure la sbb aku malas..datz y la susah bg aku..huhuu.....but aku cube n cube jugak..belajar dr tutorial..sampai lebam bijik mate aku...akhirnya..nampak la jugak hasillnye....time kasih jugak kepada snapshot sbb sudi menolong aku memulun mende nih..sgt terharu..huhuu....aku tulis pasal nih sbb nantoksz gile mengadap maya nih lepas pekena pecel lele...mak aihhh..bkn maen kenyang lg....so bile nk wat kje agak la lembap jugak otak aku nih kn..by the way...im proud to be myself sbb BERJAYA jugak even xbape sonok aku tgk maya aku nih..hahaha...kepada PHON THIP..chaiiyokkk!!!!!GAMBATE~~~~ :)
LEESA....iloveher...so glad i got chance to have her as my own..hope she will b fine with me and epy with me....hehee..thanks to thip n ur beloved bf cz fullfill wat i want...really appreciate that...love yea too :)....today is d day dat leesa was born..means with me laa...hehhee....and her age now alr 3weeks...she;s so cute....next step have to buy her a crib to stay..mlm nih leesa kne stay dlm kotak dulu sbb baru adopt...kesian die...but her food n drinks alr serve for her.....nakmo notty2 oke....jadik budak baik..nnt sume syg..since boboi da xde ngn aku...a bit alone laaa..after 2 weeks boboi xde..so skang leesa muncul accompany me here....so sweet...rasenyer my dear fren phonthip da ade adopt daugther yg baru..nampak cm die suke n syg sgt....hehhee..suke suke...so for u thip...dunt worry..diz 1 will b mine forever...hehhee...nnt dtg la jenguk2 leesa oke...kesian die mlm nih tdo dalam kotak jek....huhhuuh....stop here story bout leesa..later on continue it back...chaww!!!!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
friend in need is a friend in deep~~~
friend is alwiz be a fren...so once u become my fren..u alwisz be mine...n i really appreciate a relation name fren more than words ever come...life in usm..got so many frends of mine..but trully frens is sum1 who alwis being with us no matter how we are or where we are......thanks GOD cz u give me all a gud fren of mine..really appreciate that....they alwisz be together with me n i really love this relation..so hope u guys will alwisz be a fren of mine like 1st day we met until today.....sumtimes not all we are people will satisfied but as long as we know how to appreciated them its gud enough for everyone.....quote bout friendship through my life bring me how to care n appreciate my gud frens n never leave them beind....i hope when u people have a gud fren...appreciate them as long as they still have with u because u cant get much more better than what u have today in future...n u will realize what u have when u alr lose it..so open ur eyes n mind...be so much gud in ur relation n try to love people who love u....HAPPY FRENSHIP DAY...EVERYDAY IS A DAY FOR MY GUD FRENS....love yea!!!!!!
A true friend is someone who is there for you when she`d rather be anywhere else.
Life is nothing without friendship...Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity....Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! you too? I thought I was the only one....I keep my friends as misers do their treasure, because, of all the things granted us by wisdom, none is greater or better than friendship...A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway...The most I can do for my friend is simply be hER friend....
You can always tell a real friend: when you've made a fool of yourself she doesn't feel you've done a permanent job....Business, you know, may bring money, but friendship hardly ever does...A friend reaches for the hand and she touches your heart...Our paths may change as life goes along, but the bond between friends remains ever strong.
The only way to have a friend is to be one....Friendship is a pretty full-time occupation if you really are friendly with somebody. You can't have too many friends because then you're just not really friends...This the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and have her nonsense respected....Friendship is like a bank account; you cannot continue to draw on it without making a deposit....Your friends will know you better in the first minute they meet you than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years...Life without a friend is like death without a witness...Friends cherish each other`s hopes. They are kind to each other`s dreams...Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life...The truth is, friendship is to me every bit as sacred and eternal as marriage...Love is friendship set on fire.
Love is only chatter, friends are all that matter. This is all what i think my frens are...love u ols more than a words..... :)
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